I help leadership teams get results from strategy
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As a leadership professor, strategy consultant, and trained executive coach who’s spent decades sitting with executive teams sharing what works in strategy, I know how to help leaders get out of day-to-day operations to engage strategically.
I’ve taught strategy and leadership related topics for the past 25 years. Currently, I’m Professor of the Practice of Leadership at Brown University teaching in our three executive master’s degree programs. I’m also on the faculty of Duke Corporate Education where I worked as a Managing Director for eight years. I’ve also taught at Harvard University designing and instructing courses ranging from strategy and organizational behavior to influence and negotiation—all key skills for strategic leaders.
I write articles and books on strategy and leadership topics. I’ve written for Harvard Business Publishing and Wiley. The process I use to help top teams is outlined in my book Performance Management in Turbulent Times: Analytics and Insight. Here are my thoughts on strategy execution—at top Google search result for 20 years.
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